'Key Concepts film poster analysis
'Key Concepts film poster analysis 1) How can you tell this is a film poster? Identify at least one key convention or typical feature that tells you this is a film poster (e.g. title, tagline, age rating etc.) A)Y ou can tell that this is a film poster as it has the date that it was released. 2) What type of film is it? How can you tell? Try and write about specific things on the poster to explain your answer. A )F rom the imagine on the poster you can tell that it is a horror movie also you can tell that by her mask. 3) What audience do you think the film is aimed at? How can you tell? Explain why you think it is aimed at that particular audience and refer to things on the poster that provide evidence for this. A) I think that the film is aimed for adults over the age of 18 this is because it is to scary for children to watch and you can tell from the imagine on the poster it looks scary. Extension task Lan...