Language and Representation
1) Write a summary of the notes from our in-class analysis of the episode. You can use your own notes from the screening in class and we'll also post a Google document of class notes too (you'll need your GHS Google login). Doctor only talks to young man ignoring Barbara show gender roles in 1960s. Camerawork and sound:theme turns to doctor who very science fiction set genre from beginning sound hum of lairds helps create science fiction Mise-en-scene: Susan first introduced dancing and dressed as 1906 teenagers seem to be both typical teenagers and aliens Narrative and genre :Enigma codes mystery of susn name french revolution book . 2) How can we apply narrative theories to this episode of Doctor Who ? Todorov's Equilibrium: In the beginning it was calm and then in the middle it got a bit of a mystery and then back to calm. Propp's character theory :Doctor was a v...