Language and Representation

 1) Write a summary of the notes from our in-class analysis of the episode. You can use your own notes from the screening in class and we'll also post a Google document of class notes too (you'll need your GHS Google login). 

Doctor only talks to young man ignoring Barbara show gender roles in 1960s. 

Camerawork and sound:theme turns to doctor who very science fiction set genre from beginning

sound hum of lairds helps create science fiction  


Mise-en-scene: Susan first introduced dancing and dressed as 1906 teenagers seem to be both typical teenagers and aliens 

Narrative and genre:Enigma codes mystery of susn name french revolution book .

2) How can we apply narrative theories to this episode of  Doctor Who

Todorov's Equilibrium: In the beginning it was calm and then in the middle it got a bit of a mystery and then back to calm. 

Propp's character theory:Doctor was a villain Susan is also a villain and the teachers male was a hero and the teacher female is a helper  and also susan at first was a sidekick.

Barthes's enigma and action codes: An example of a enigma code is an action code e.g change in music. 

Levi-Strauss's binary opposition: 
 The majority of narratives in media forms such as books and film contain opposing main characters.

3) In your opinion, what is the most important scene in the episode and why?
 In my opinion i believe that the most important scene is when the teachers went inside the police telephone box this is because it create interest within the audience. 

4) What genre is An Unearthly Child and how can you tell? Make specific reference to aspects of the episode.

5) How does An Unearthly Child reflect the social and historical contexts of the 1960s?

 It reflect on the social as it was seem as an impoter for a 15 year old girl to be travelling with an old man therefore they change it  and said that she was his granddaughter.


1) What stereotypes of men are reinforced and subverted in Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child? How? 

Men were seem to e more powerful then women at that b time and this is shown as the whole episode there was only 2 women in there.

2) What stereotypes of women/girls are reinforced and subverted in Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child? How?

There were one 2 women in the episode which reinforce that women at the time were seem not to be important.

3) How do the representations of young people and old people in An Unearthly Child reflect the social and historical context of the 1960s? 

4) What representations of race/ethnicity can be found in Doctor Who: An Earthly Child? Is this surprising or not? Give reasons for your answer and consider historical / cultural context (the 1960s). Has this changed in more recent series of Doctor Who?

 White people were being dominated in the episode this is because at the time white people were seemed as beautiful.

5) How is social class represented in An Unearthly Child? Think about how education and knowledge is presented in the episode.



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