Audience and Industry


1) Who is the target audience for Doctor Who? Has it changed since 1963?
The target audience for doctor who were male. but from 1963 to 2010 it was an increase of femlae e by 22% 

2) What audience pleasures are offered by Doctor Who - An Unearthly Child? Apply Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory to the episode. Make sure you provide specific examples from the episode to support your ideas.

Personal Identity: teenagers, doctors,elders and adults

Personal Relationships: comes from being a loyal audience member 

Diversion (Escapism): space travel, time travel, futuristic 

Surveillance (Information / Facts): cultures,space,time 

3) What additional Uses and Gratifications would this episode provide to a modern 2020 audience?

people of colour might not watch the show, teenagers might not watch the  as the first episode as it was in black and whitre were as now we have colour. 

4) Thinking of the 3 Vs audience pleasures (Visceral, Vicarious and Voyeuristic pleasures), which of these can be applied to An Unearthly Child?
VICARIOUS PLEASURE as the audience  Experiencing something through the characters  

5) What kind of online fan culture does Doctor Who have? Give examples.

 Doctor who will have a British fan mainly  as all the actors were white.
doctor who now has an international online fan culture of events fan fiction fan edited trailers and more. the BBC also produces merchandise to sell to this audience .


1) What was the television industry like in 1963? How many channels were there? 

There are 3 channels in 1963  so they only has a choice of 3 things to watch and doctor who was one of them. 

2) How does An Unearthly Child reflect the level of technology in the TV industry in 1963?

Because they didn't have the technology that we have now therefore at the time teenagers would find doctor who inserting and cool.

3) Why is Doctor Who such an important franchise for the BBC? 

Doctor Who is one of the most iconic franchises that the BBC has.  It has been launched all over the world through BBC Worldwide and generates huge income for the BBC.

4) What other programmes/spin-offs are part of the wider Doctor Who franchise?

5) Why does the Doctor Who franchise have so much merchandise available? Give examples.

doctor who has so many merchandise as it has a larger population of views.


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