LR feedback


Graphical user interface, application, table, Excel

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WWW: You’ve completed all blog tasks to a very good standard and have presented your work very neatly at times. You have even managed to attempt a few of the very challenging extension tasks.

EBI: You could make more of an effort to check your SPaG so that your comments are clearer and fully explained.

LR: Copy and paste this feedback into a new blogpost called ‘Blog feedback and learner response’. Then, set aside some time to go back and complete missing or unfinished work. Finally, as your learner response write what you think the most difficult topic we’ve covered so far has been and why.

i believe that the most difficult thing that i have ever crossed is BBC.

This is because during some questions i had to goon websites to read some information and its was very long and hard to understand as there were some hard words that i have never crossed.


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