Marcus Rashford


1) Make two lists - one of website conventions used on Marcus Rashford's official website and one of social media conventions found on Rashford's Twitter or Instagram pages. 


  • he uses background imagines/ banner imagine 
  • also has a loo-brand identity 
  • has a bio 
  • has a online engagement/audience interaction 

  • in the front of his websits he has got a picture of himself wearings suite 
  • the low angle imagine show how powerful he is 
  • also the body language 

2) How does his website promote the Marcus Rashford brand?

  • dresses professionally
  • his logo has  his initials 
  • show what he does for living 

3) What is the first page you see when you visit Marcus Rashford's website and how does this promote his brand and good causes?

  • the first page has a picture of him as well has his logo with his initials focus on him and not his jobs . 
  • simple, easy to navigate 

4) How does Marcus Rashford use his social media profiles to promote his brand and campaigns? Give at least three examples of different posts / images / design from his social media. 

  • campaigns post to spread good intention
  • pictures  of him with his success e.g his book
  • interacting with fans 

5) How does Marcus Rashford's online presence use genre and narrative to create a positive brand identity?

  • he makes videos about his personal life, and how he went from meddle class to becoming richer and richer 
  • also promotes motivation


1) How does Rashford use different aspects of mise-en-scene (e.g. clothes/costume) to create very different representations of himself on his own website?

  • his front image of his page is dark and  it focus the attention on him. 
  • he has imagine of his jobs and things which he likes 
  • he dresses in a well known high quality brands

2) What representations of football or footballers can you find in Marcus Rashford's online presence? Does it reinforce or subvert traditional stereotypes of footballers?

  • he has lots of pictures on his page on twitter of his football matches/games. 

3) What examples can you find of website pages, social media posts or aspects of the brand that create a positive representation of Marcus Rashford? You may wish to comment on his discussion of family or his campaigns - his page on the FareShare campaign website may help with this question.

he offers support at FARESG=HARE  feeding children at risk of hunger over the summer holidays he owns family relied on breakfast club,free school meals and at times food bank.

4) What representations of masculinity can you find in Marcus Rashford's online presence? Does this reinforce or challenge traditional gender stereotypes?

he reinforces  traditional gender stereotypes in his post however it can be argued that he challenges them as he promote things like reading.

5) What representations of race/ethnicity can you find in his website or social media? Does this reinforce or challenge media stereotypes? 

marcus rashfold is one of the black person to reach success in football therefore this challenges media stereotype.

Look at this Marcus Rashford tweet. How does this help Rashford create a positive representation of himself and also control the media narrative?

As he isnt wasting his money on things that is not needed. however he is helping his family buy buying them houses to be in when older.

Read this Guardian feature on Marcus Rashford being a Hero of 2020. What representation of Rashford does this offer?

 this offers a very positive, and kind representation of Rashford. this is because he is helping and supporting those inn need,( even thought he doesn't heave to)

Read this Guardian Books interview with Marcus Rashford. How does Rashford's work on reading and literacy help his reputation? Can you find any other interesting representations here?

Marcus Rashford said he felt happy seeing children faces light when  talking about books.This really shows the change he had made in children opinions on books and also the parents will be grateful for him as he is helping their children therefore would make him more popular 

Read this news story on Rashford being named one of the top ten most powerful black Britons. What does this suggest about race and ethnicity in Britain and the British media?

this suggest that he overcome and surpassed limitation of his past as a working class black man. he has used everything he has been given, all of his skills and talents by rising up and helping many people and earn the respect of many people in high places as a black man.



1) Who are the potential target audiences for Marcus Rashford's online content? Try and cover both demographics and psychographics.

the potential target audience are most male 76%b of his followers are male 

2) Marcus Rashford’s online presence is partly driven by his excellent use of social media. How does he use social media to engage with his fans and make them feel part of his brand?

To engage with fans through his post and tweets. 

3) What is Marcus Rashford's Instagram engagement rate and what does this tell us? 

 marcus Rashford engagement is 6% this means his engagement rate are extremely high.

4) Go to Marcus Rashford's Twitter or Instagram account. Find and screenshot/link three tweets/posts that show the different aspects of his brand e.g. Relatable person (normal, down to earth), Campaigner (interested in politics), Celebrity footballer (e.g. awards ceremony or fashion).

In this picture we can see him  being like a normal person, not by his job or anything 

5) What audience pleasures are provided by Marcus Rashford's online presence? Try and apply Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory here.

Diversion Marcus Rashford  life and way of living can be escapism from media and school.

6) Applying Stuart Hall's Reception theory, what would a preferred and oppositional reading of Marcus Rashford's online presence be?

preferred reading;his fans and poeple who were inspired by him 

Opposition reading ;people that hate the idea of seeing hi successes in life 


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