
 1) What are the key conventions of music video?

music video often fast pace in terms of actor, camerawork or editing. Also may contain elements or narrative 
They can also feature visual; effect and intertextuality. 

2) What is intertextuality?

Intertextuality is when one media text reference about another media text. 
this could happen through  genre, convention, mise-en-scene or even through specific cultural  

3) When did music videos first become a major part of the music industry?

piracy become a huge problem for the music industry as they could not keep up with the illegal downloading and streaming service where fan shared content for free. 
the 2000s saw streaming rise services with subscription such as Spotify ,apple music, beat music and most recently YouTube music  

New platform and music apps on smart phones mean that listeners are now becoming one device consumers and using their phone for all media access. 

the way people consume music video has changed ever since technology become a part of us. This is because there are different way people can play music such as through their phones, tablet, computer and many other, whereas in the old  days they can only listen to music through  radio only. 
YouTube is a primary way  audience can engage with music video. 

4) What launched in 1981 and why were music videos an important part of the music industry in the 1980s and 1990s?

MTV was launched in 1981 as a platform of music video and the first music channel on television. 
program as such BBC show top of the pops also showcase music videos from the chart alongside "live"stage performance. 

5) How are music videos distributed and watched in the digital age?

in 2005 the launch of YouTube changed the way the consumers access and enjoy music video, now self promotion is more common


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