OSP assessment learner response

 1) Type up your WWW/EBI feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential). 

  • using more examples 
  • using clamps 
  • more technology terms

2) Write down what mark you got for each question.
  • question 1 = 1/1
  • question 2 = 5/12
  • question 3= 4/6
  • question 4=5/9

Write down three ways that Figure 1 (promoted Instagram post by American YouTube Influencer Bri Hall - about SpecialK) appeals to an audience. Refer to mise-en-scene - CLAMPS.

  • the special K 
  • the make up in which she was wearing really make the picture more eyes catching 
  • the lighting was really bright  

4) Give three examples from Marcus Rashford’s website of how he communicates with his audience.

He communicate to his audience through social media. this is shown when he post a daily video of his life. making the fan/audience have a stronger relationship. 

he has many social media platform e.g Instagram, twitter and many more. he has a reply section where he replies to his fan . 

he also connect with his audience through endorsement. this is shown when he  endorse the books in which he likes/ included in 

5) Finally, write down three things you want to revise before your next assessment - e.g. media terminology, CSPs etc.

  • spelling/ work on my spelling 
  • give more examples 


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