the times introduction


the times introduction task

1) What year was The Times founded and when did it start using the Times name?

The times was founded in the year 1975 making it the oldest Britain newspaper  and changed its name from dailt universal on the times 

2) What content did John Walter suggest the paper would offer in the first edition?

 He suggest that the newspaper will embrace  strong traditions and offer traditional content. 

3) Who owns The Times today and how is editorial integrity protected?

the times is owned by the UK- media billionaire Rupert Murdoch's company 

4) What did The Times introduce in 2010 and why?

The times as well as the daily mirror introduced digital subscriptions in 2010 to help ensure a sustainable future for their journalism

5) What was The Times named in 2018 by the Reuters Institute for Journalism at Oxford University?

The times was named as the Britain most trustworthy newspaper in 2018 by the Reuters Institute for Journalism at Oxford University

6) What does the section on Editorial Standards say about The Times and newspaper regulation?

 The times newspaper are committed to follow Independent press standard organisation regulation and reinforce their editor code for practise  

7) What does the section on Ownership say about The Times and who is the current editor? 

Tony Gallagher is the times current editor, the times is published by the times media limited part of the news UK. 


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