the coursework interview

 Today we will be interviewing the founder of the best make-up ( real beauty) brand of our generation. Greta Garbo, tonight will go through a roller coaster of fun, enjoyment and information. The one and only Greta Garbo will tell us about her make-up secrets. So, Greta Garbo do you mind telling and informing us about your make up secret?

   Setting spray at the beginning  as well as at then end of your make up to make your make up turn out as gorgeous.-apply your foundation before applying your concealer as starting with foundation will minimise any redness or discolouration. -After each step of putting on your make up wait for at least 1 minute to settle it in.setting spray before and after your

 make up to make it as gorgeous and beautiful,

as well as setting very thing in place. The goal and aim for “ real beauty” is to 

influence all gender types to increase their 

self love and feel more confident about



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